Berry College Requirements
Students must complete all of the requirements for a B.S. degree listed in the Berry College catalog with the following exceptions:
1. Students must complete 93 semester hours of credit before transferring to UHH (62 hours earned in residence at Berry) and must complete a total of 156 credit hours in order to earn both degrees.
2. The Berry degree will be awarded after completion of 124 credit hours and all Berry requirements (including those required to satisfy a major) are met, even if the UHH Astronomy Degree remains incomplete. Satisfying the degree requirements will typically necessitate transferring appropriate completed credit from UHH back to Berry.
3. Students need not complete their last two semesters in residence at Berry College. Berry will also waive 2 hours at the 300-level that are normally required to be completed in residence at Berry College (13 of the 15 hours typically required are satisfied with MAT 304 , PHY 307 I , PHY 321 I , and PHY 350 I ).
Dual-degree Astronomy students must complete all other Berry College B.S. degree requirements including: Foundations Curriculum, Writing Intensive coursework, all Major coursework, and an appropriate number of cultural events (3 per semester in residence). Students are encouraged to complete the Physics Major, General Physics, B.S. at Berry, but may choose any major for which requirements can be met.
Students must complete all required coursework and meet the minimum GPA requirements for transfer to UHH. Detailed admissions requirements can be obtained by speaking with the program coordinator at Berry. The courses listed below are required for all dual-degree Astronomy students.