Mar 02, 2025  
2022-23 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-23 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nursing, B.S.N.

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Nursing Program Admissions Process

Admission is competitive and based on available space. The minimum cumulative GPA for all BSN applicants has been 2.8 at the time of application and will change to 3.0 with incoming freshmen academic year 2019-2020; however, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 does not guarantee admission to the BSN Program. Students are eligible to apply to the nursing program when they have successfully completed a minimum of 41 semester credit hours. Transfer students should complete at least 12 credit hours in residence at Berry College before applying to the nursing program. One of the courses taken at Berry must be from the required science courses and all science courses required in the Nursing Foundations Core must have been completed within 6 years of the application date. Students must earn at least a C- grade in all biology, chemistry, mathematics and rhetoric and writing courses prior to beginning the nursing sequence, even following formal admission to the program. Students should complete the required prerequisite courses at the time of enrollment in the first clinical nursing course.

General education courses provide a foundation to the nursing program and serve as a basis for learning and applying nursing concepts. However, an additional program application is required prior to enrolling in nursing courses. A meeting with the Nursing Director or nursing faculty is required prior to submitting an application. At a scheduled appointment, the Director or nursing faculty will review the student’s academic record, explain the requirements and process for admission to the BSN Program, review the plan to complete the remaining prerequisite courses and provide access to the Nursing BSN application. The student submits the Nursing application and resume outlining healthcare interest/experience, campus/community involvement, leadership, and employment to the Division of Nursing Office by the application deadline of February 1. Applications are accepted October 1 - February 1. Traditionally, the nursing sequence begins each fall semester. All grades (Berry and other colleges/universities) from previous terms must be posted on the applicant’s Berry College transcript by the application deadline.

Admission decisions are competitive and based on the applicant’s academic record, supporting documents, and BSN application at the time of the application deadline. Applicants for admission will be ranked according to number of hours earned, overall GPA, and an adjusted GPA calculated from the math, science, and English, rhetoric and writing courses required in the BSN core. (MAT 111 , BIO 111 , BIO 206 , BIO 207 BIO 201 /BIO 301 , CHM 108 /CHM 150  and ENG 101, ENG 102 or RHW 101 , RHW 102 ). Applicants will receive an admissions decision a minimum of four weeks after the application deadline of February 1.

Additional Program Requirements and Fees

Upon acceptance into the nursing program students will need to meet additional program requirements prior to enrollment in upper-division nursing courses. Students must demonstrate the following:

  1. To document current CPR certification students must complete the American Heart Association’s Healthcare Provider Course (Course C or BLSC),
  2. Students must complete an approved background check and drug screen.

    Placement in healthcare facilities will require a background check and a drug screen for admission. Clinical institutions may deny access to the clinical practice area based on the results of these screenings. Clinical experience is a required component of the majority of nursing courses and a course cannot be completed without a passing grade in the clinical component of the course.

    If the clinical agency finds the results of the drug screening or criminal background check to be unacceptable, the Division of Nursing may not be able to provide further educational experiences, which could impede the student’s progression and completion of the nursing degree. Failure to be honest in the completion of all application questions regarding prior convictions may result in an academic integrity violation and could result in dismissal from the program.
  3. Medical clearance is required prior to enrollment in all upper-division nursing courses. To be cleared, the following health documentation must be on file in the Division of Nursing prior to June 1:
    1. physical exam,
    2. TDAP,
    3. proof of varicella vaccine,
    4. two doses of MMR vaccine or proof of positive immune titers,
    5. Hepatitis B vaccine (series of three), AND positive immune titer,
    6. Hepatitis A vaccine (series of two),
    7. Tuberculosis (Mantoux) skin test (MUST BE PROVIDED ANNUALLY),
    8. current accidental injury insurance, and
    9. the ability to comply with the Core Performance Standards shown below.

A nursing program fee is charged to all enrolled nursing students. The program fees cover assessment testing, computer learning programs,  and standardized exams. In addition to the program fees, as part of the nursing admission process, the student can expect to incur fees for a background and drug screening, physical examinations, immunizations, and the cost of obtaining CPR certification. A detailed list of expenses related to uniforms, shoes, stethoscope, graduation cost, and NCLEX fees may be found in the nursing student handbook or on the Berry College Nursing Program handbook.

Core Performance Standards for Admission and Progression

Issue Standard Examples of necessary activities
(not all-inclusive)
Critical thinking Critical-thinking ability sufficient for clinical judgment Identify cause/effect relationships in clinical situations, develop nursing care plans, and calculate medication dosages and IV solution rates.
Interpersonal Interpersonal abilities sufficient for interaction with individuals, families and groups from various social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds Establish rapport with patients/clients and colleagues
Communication Communication abilities sufficient for verbal and written interaction with others Explain treatment procedures, initiate health teaching, and document and interpret nursing actions and patient/client responses
Mobility Physical abilities sufficient for movement from room to room and in small spaces Move independently in and around patient care areas, work spaces and treatment areas, stand for prolonged hours, administer cardiopulmonary procedures
Motor skills Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient for providing safe, effective nursing care Calibrate and use equipment; position patients/clients, open and close containers, manipulate small objects
Hearing Auditory ability sufficient for accurately monitoring and assessing health needs Hear monitor alarms, emergency signals, auscultatory sounds and cries for help, respond to patient with or without view of patient’s face
Visual Visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment necessary in nursing care Observe patient/client responses, identify changes in skin color, see patient care records
Tactile Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment Perform palpation, functions of physical examination and/or those related to therapeutic intervention (such as insertion of a catheter)

Adapted from SREB Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing Task Force Publication (Reapproved 2004) source: Students admitted to the nursing program must be able to meet the Southern Regional Education Board’s (SREB) Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing’s (2004) core performance standards for admission and progression. A student applying to the nursing program with an identified or perceived disability should contact Student Support Services for evaluation. Students who are not able to demonstrate ability to meet the above functional abilities and performance standards may not be able to meet learning objectives related to the clinical component of nursing courses and may be denied progression in the program. In addition, graduates of the BSN program unable to meet the required functional abilities and performance standards may be denied licensure by a state board of nursing.

Cross-Cultural Immersion

A two-week study will be required of all nursing students during the summer between their junior and senior year. Students will earn three semester hours of credit while advancing their understanding of world cultures, uniqueness, and similarities. For hardship situations that impact a student’s ability to study abroad, a domestic experience will be arranged; however, the student may incur additional expenses.

Dismissal Policy

Failure to achieve the established academic standards shall constitute reason for the student to be dismissed from the program. The faculty and administration of the Division of Nursing reserve the right to dismiss any student enrolled in the program from the program for unethical, dishonest, unprofessional, or illegal conduct that is inconsistent with the ANA Code for Nurses.

Academic Appeal Process

Undergraduate students who wish to appeal an academic-related decision should first consult with the professor of the course in which the issue has been raised. If the issue is not resolved at that consultation, the student may then appeal to the course lead professor and then, if the issue is not resolved, to the director of nursing and then to the dean of the Charter School, and then to the associate provost and/or provost. If the issue continues to be at question, the student may then appeal to a subcommittee consisting of equal numbers of faculty and students of Academic Council that will be convened by the provost or associate provost, and then to the president.

If the issue is program-related, the student should consult first with the director of nursing. If the issue is not resolved at that consultation, then the student may appeal to the dean of the Charter School then to the associate provost and/or provost. If the issue continues to be a question, the student may then appeal to a subcommittee consisting of equal numbers of faculty and students of Academic Council that will be convened by the provost or associate provost, and then to the president.

Nursing Program Readmission Policy

The Division of Nursing acknowledges the responsibility of readmitting to the program those students who, in the judgment of the faculty, satisfy the requirements of scholarship, health, and professional suitability for nursing. Students requesting readmission to the program must apply in writing to the Nursing Admissions and Progression Committee. Each student’s situation is reviewed on an individual basis. Requests for readmission for fall must be submitted by February 1 of the year in which readmission would occur in the fall, or by October 1 for readmission that would occur the following spring. Readmission is not guaranteed to any student. Students following the curriculum plan without interruption have priority for course enrollment. Specific guidelines for readmission include the following:

  1. Course repetition policies:
    1. Only one nursing course may be repeated.
    2. The course must be repeated successfully with a grade of B or better (3.0) prior to taking other nursing courses.
    3. The course must be repeated within the next academic year following the original course.
    4. Students may appeal decisions based on course repetition policies in writing to the Division of Nursing Admission and Progression Committee with the concurrence or recommendation of the academic advisor or course instructor. Decisions on appeal requests are the responsibility of the Admission and Progression Committee and may be approved or denied based on individual circumstances and an evaluation of the request.
  2. Any student readmitted to the program will be required to:
    1. Meet Berry College readmission criteria.
    2. Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 for readmission consideration.
    3. Demonstrate a satisfactory level of knowledge from nursing courses in the previous successfully passed semester as determined by all course level faculty and with the approval of the Director of the DON. This demonstration of knowledge must be done prior to beginning the repeated course and can be repeated three times to achieve success (see 1d).  If additional expense is incurred during the process of demonstrating knowledge, the student will assume the additional costs.
    4. Successfully validate prior medication calculation competency and clinical skills.
  3. A readmitted student must meet graduation requirements in effect at the time of readmission and follow the baccalaureate degree nursing policies in effect for that academic year.
  4. Students must complete all program admission requirements prior to readmission.

Sequential Progression Policies

  1. Enrollment in entry level nursing courses will be permitted only if the student:
    1. Completes all pre-requisite courses and earns a grade of C- or above in all required science, English, rhetoric and writing, and mathematics courses; and
    2. Maintains a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.8.
  2. Students may continue to progress according to the curriculum plan if they:
    1. Complete all pre-requisite courses prior to enrollment in any senior nursing course; unless an exemption is made by the Director;
    2. Earn a grade of C- or above in all nursing major courses;
    3. Report a cumulative GPA of 2.5 prior to enrolling in 400 level nursing courses;
    4. Demonstrate satisfactory performance of designated nursing skills;
    5. Earn a satisfactory grade in both the theory and clinical components of the nursing courses; In the event that the earned clinical grade is unsatisfactory, the course grade assigned will not be higher than the letter grade of D;
    6. Pass the medication calculation competency test at 90% accuracy each semester;
    7. Demonstrate full compliance with all standards of the nursing profession as defined by the ANA standards of practice, the ANA Code for Nurses, and Georgia Nursing Practice Act; and
    8. Maintain current health requirements/CPR.
  3. If a student fails or withdraws from any nursing course, he or she must petition the Admission and Progression Committee of the Division of Nursing to be re-admitted.
  4. Students having withdrawn from or earned less than a C- in a nursing course may be evaluated to be readmitted to the program one time only.
  5. Students are accountable to follow all policies in the current handbook.
  6. All program requirements must be completed within five (5) years of first enrollment of the nursing program. Due to curriculum changes, a student not progressing in the program in a continuous manner may be required to complete additional courses.

Baccalaureate program policies that describe standards for progression are listed in detail in the Division of Nursing Student Handbook. The handbook is distributed at the beginning of each academic year and is also available in an online format. It is the students’ responsibility to obtain a copy of the policies and to be familiar with the policies. The policies are a guide as the student progresses through the program.


Admission to and graduation from the Berry College Division of Nursing does not guarantee eligibility for licensure (see Board of Nursing Policies). Prior to Division of Nursing approval for the candidate’s licensure (NCLEX) application, an exit interview with the Division of Nursing is required. Additionally, all student financial accounts must have a zero balance.

Board of Nursing Policies

After completion of the program and graduation, students are eligible to apply for licensure by examination (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses - NCLEX-RN). Licensure to practice as a Registered Nurse is granted by the Board of Nursing in the state of intended practice (See Georgia Board of Nursing Rules & Regulations 410-6-.02 Beginning April 15, 2009, all new graduates must submit to a background check process as required by Georgia Law §46-26-7-4-(4) when applying for licensure in Georgia. An applicant who passes the licensing examination and is under investigation for possible violation of the Nurse Practice Act (arrested or convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation) may not be issued a license until the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the Board. If the charges are substantiated, the license may be denied or sanctioned despite the applicant meeting all other criteria for licensure. The Georgia Board of Nursing has the right to refuse to grant a registered nurse license to any individual regardless of his/her educational credentials under circumstances of:

  1. Falsification of application for licensure.
  2. Conviction of a felony or crime of moral turpitude.
  3. Other moral and legal violations specified in Georgia Law.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Requirements (92 hours):


  • Students must earn a C- or better in all required science, rhetoric and writing, mathematics, and nursing courses to be counted toward the major.
  • 21 hours of coursework required for the major also meets college Foundations Program Requirements.

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