Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog


Admission to Graduate Studies


Berry College seeks to admit students who could be academically successful at the institution while meeting their personal educational goals. Each applicant’s record should reflect promise of growth, seriousness of purpose and a sense of responsibility.

General questions relating to the graduate programs available at Berry should be directed to  For detailed questions about the admission procedures for specific programs contact information is below: 


All applicants must submit a completed application and supporting credentials as specified by the specific graduate program for which the student seeks acceptance. Applicants who fail to provide accurate and true information or submit work that is not their own may have their admission invalidated.


Berry College Joint Graduate Enrollment

A Berry College senior with at least a 3.0 (B) grade-point average lacking no more than 9 semester hours toward a baccalaureate degree may register for a maximum total load of six semester hours of graduate-level courses, so long as the baccalaureate program is being completed during the semester in which the graduate work is pursued.

The undergraduate student taking graduate-level courses is restricted to a maximum load of 15 semester hours. Prior written approval of the academic advisor, the appropriate director (Graduate Studies in Business or Graduate Studies in Education) and the provost is required.

International Applicants

In addition to the requirements for a specific admissions category, an applicant from a non-English speaking country must submit TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores, and international transcripts must be evaluated by World Educational Services. Students who require a U.S. stu­dent visa also must submit a completed financial-responsibility form after they have been admitted to Berry in order to obtain an I-20 immigra­tion form. International students who have graduated from a college or university that speaks English are exempt from the requirement to submit a TOEFL score.

Veterans Administration-Information for Veterans

Berry College has been approved by the Georgia State Approving Agency to receive VA education benefits.  The veteran seeking admission to graduate studies as a degree-seeking student should promptly notify the Registrar’s Office so that applications for educational benefits may be filed. All applications for benefits are subject to the approval of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Any VA covered individual will be allowed attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website - eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
  2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

Berry College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

Non-Degree Status

Normally students are admitted to graduate studies as degree seeking students. Occasionally, a student may desire to take a limited number of courses within the graduate programs without working toward a degree. Students seeking to take coursework as a non-degree student should work with the appropriate graduate office to determine admissions requirements. It is assumed that non-degree students will meet the same entry standards as all graduate students; non-degree status is not a proper status for students who lack appropriate preparation to qualify as degree seeking students.

Students requesting to take coursework in the Education department may also be required to obtain a clear Federal Background check from an approved source. Non-degree students may take no more than three courses (nine hours) of Education coursework or no more than two courses (six hours) of Business coursework.  Students who need to complete a body of coursework for certification or licensure that will not lead to a degree may apply for an exception to the nine-hour limit as a non-degree student.  The department chair and dean will review and may approve these requests on a case-by-case basis.

Non-degree Program

  1. Tier I  and Tier II Leadership Add-on Degree program - Applicants must submit the following:
    • Complete on-line application form;
    • Official transcripts from each college attended;
    • Two recommendation forms
    • Federal Background Check from approved sources;
    • Submit an educational goal statement in narrative form, not more that 500 words, outlining your goals in pursuing graduate study and the background and/or professional accomplishments, and address the graduate education professional behaviors that you will bring to the program.  This statement must be typed and sent to the admissions office
    • Complete the GACE Ethics Assessment for Leaders (380); and
    • Signed Superintendent’s Assurance Form.
  2. Autism Endorsement- Applicants must submit the following;
    • Complete on-line application form;
    • Official transcripts from each college attended; and
    • Federal Background Check from approved sources.
  3. Curriculum and Instruction Conversion Mechanism
    • Complete an on-line application form;
    • Official transcripts from each college attended;
    • Federal Background Check from approved sources; and
    • Copy of GACE Curriculum and Instruction Assessment scores.
  4. Pedagogy Only Program- The applicant must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 or a junior-senior grade point average of 3.0.  Applicants must submit the following:
    • Complete on-line application form;
    • One official transcript from each college attended
    • Two recommendation forms
    • A passing score of the Program Admissions Assessment or sufficient scores on the SAT, ACT, or GRE as defined by the state to waive the GACE Program Admissions Assessment;
    • Complete the GACE Ethics Entry Assessment for Teachers.

Transient Status

Students pursuing a graduate degree at another institution may be admitted as a visiting student at Berry. Each semester, such students must submit a visiting-student form authorizing them to take course work at Berry College. This form may be acquired from the home institution or from the Berry College Admissions Office.

Audit Status

A limited number of auditors may be allowed in graduate classes, with preference given to students seeking degree credit. A student enrolling as an auditor receives no credit for the audited course. A non-Berry student applying to audit a graduate course must submit an application, the appli­cation fee, and evidence of a baccalaureate degree, and must pay the audit fee upon registering. The student will pay the cost of materials used in the course, plus appropriate auditor’s tuition.

Changes from audit to credit status or from credit to audit status must be accomplished by the drop/add period announced by the registrar. A change from audit to credit will entail the payment of additional tuition to equal the credit-hour rate.

Readmission to the Graduate Program

Graduate students not registered for courses at Berry College or on Leave of Absence are considered withdrawn and must submit an application for readmission. To reapply the student should submit an online application for readmission no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester of which admission is sought and submit an official transcript for any work done at another college during the absence from Berry.

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit is not awarded for prior experiential learning, nor is credit awarded for graduate work that is not applicable to the degree program. For graduate education a maximum of three courses (two courses for M.B.A.) or nine semester hours (six hours for M.B.A.) of graduate transfer credit for which the student has earned a grade of “B” or better may be applied to the appropriate graduate program. 

Transcripts received by the admissions office will be forwarded to the appropriate graduate office for evaluation before the student is admitted. Decisions regarding transfer credit awarded are made within each graduate program according to the policies approved by their graduate faculty. The registrar will be notified of all transfer credit approved by the graduate program.

Studying at another Institution

Students who are enrolled in a Berry graduate program and who seek to take course work at another institution must complete a Request for Permission to Study as a Transient Student form before taking such courses. Graduate students who take courses elsewhere without prior approval do so at the risk of non-acceptance of those credits. Once any approved courses are completed, students must have official transcripts of this work sent to the registrar’s office.

Financial Aid

Students who are accepted as degree-seeking students into the graduate program at Berry College may be eligible for financial aid if carrying a minimum of five semester hours of coursework that is required for the degree. Part-time graduate students must satisfactorily complete at least 70 percent of any attempted course work in order to continue to receive federal financial aid. Federal loans are available for eligible graduate students who apply for financial aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required to determine eligibility for these loans. Questions about applying for financial aid can be addressed in the Berry College Office of Financial Aid, Herman Hall Room 105, or by calling 706-236-1714

Note: Graduate students enrolled in at least six hours may be eligible for graduate assistantships, which can greatly enhance employability. Graduate assistantship information can be secured through the graduate coordinators in the Campbell School of Business and the Charter School of Education and Human Sciences.

Applying for Financial Aid

Graduate students are encouraged to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the federal processors online using FAFSA on the Web ( The Federal Student Aid Report (SAR) is generated by the federal processors in response to the student’s submission of the FAFSA. The SAR must be received by the financial-aid office (along with supporting documentation as requested by that office) to determine eligibility for any need-based financial aid. It is also required for participation in any of the federal student loan programs.