Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Continuing Personnel


The date(s) in parentheses following each name below indicate the year(s) of affiliation with the college.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

John Bradley Adams, Associate Professor of Art B.F.A., Temple University; M.F.A., Yale University. (2000)

Sarah Allred, Associate Professor of Sociology B.A., Drury College; M.A., College of William and Mary; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst. (2003)

Christine Anton, Professor of German B.A., Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (1998)

Shaheen Aslam, Lecturer in Chemistry B.S., M.S. University of Karachi, Pakistan. (2005)

Jonathan M. Atkins, Professor of History B.A., David Lipscomb College; M.A., Vanderbilt University; Ph.D., University of Michigan. (1991)

Michael Bailey, Associate Professor of Government and International Studies B.A., Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. (1998)

Ruth Baker, Senior Lecturer in Music B.M., M.M.E., M.M., University of Georgia. (1993)

Julia Barnes, Associate Professor of Spanish B.A., Davidson; M.A., University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; Ph.D., University of Georgia. (2010)

David Barr, Visiting Assisting Professor of Religion & Philosophy, B.A., University of Chicago; M.A.R., Yale Divinity School; Ph.D., University of Chicago Divinity School (2021)

Gabriel Barreneche, Professor of Spanish, Dean, Evans School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences  B.A., Boston College; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles (2021)

Victor L. Bissonnette, Associate Professor of Psychology B.A., Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington. (2000)

David Bond, Visiting Lecturer of Mathematics  B.S., Ohio State University; M.B.A., M.A.T., Kennesaw State University (2021)

Catherine H. Borer, Associate Professor of Biology B.A., Grinnell College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Vermont. (2006)

Jennifer Bradford, Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre  B.A., English & Theatre Arts; M.F.A., University of Illinois (2021)

Dawn Renee Bresnahan,  Associate Professor of Animal Science B.S.A., University of Georgia; M.S., Ph. D., University of Kentucky. (2014)

Andrew R. Bressette, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Vice President for Enrollment Management B.A., Assumption College; Ph.D., University of Virginia. (1998)

Gary W. Breton, Callaway Professor of Chemistry, B.S., State University of New York at Stony Brook; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (1994)

Alice Marie Bristow, Associate Professor of Theatre B.F.A., Southwest Missouri State; M.F.A., Indiana University. (1999)

Christina Bucher, Associate Professor of English B.A., Belmont College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Tennessee. (1995)

Brian Campbell, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies B.A., Truman State University; Ph.D., University of Georgia. (2013)

Kris Carlisle, Professor of Music B.M., University of Redlands; M.M., San Francisco Conservatory of Music; D.M.A., Claremont Graduate University. (2004)

Thomas Carnes, Professor of Accounting B.A., Hampden-Sydney College; M.S., Ph.D., Florida State University. (2005)

Brian Carroll, Professor of Communication B.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; M.A., University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (2003)

Stefanie L. Cash, Associate Professor of Music Education B.M.E., Morehead State University; M.M., University of Kentucky; Ph.D., Florida State University. (2016)

Nandeo Choony, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry  B.S., University of Poona (India); M.S., Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology; M.Phil, Brunel University (UK); Ph.D., University of Surrey (UK). (2021)

Martin L. Cipollini, Dana Professor of Biology B.S., M.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Rutgers University. (1995)

Melissa Clark, Assistant Professor of Marketing B.B.A, Stetson College; M.S., Florida Gulf Coast College. (2015)


Jill Cochran, Director of Teacher Education, Professor of Mathematics B.S., Southern Utah University; Ph.D., Texas State University. (2010)

Zane CochranClinical Assistant Professor of Creative Technologies B.S., University of Texas-Austin. (2014)

Tabitha M. Cook, Lecturer, Chemistry

David Bruce Conn, Gund Professor of Biology; B.S., Lee College; M.S., Morehead State University; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati. (1997)

Jennifer Corry, Associate Professor of Spanish B.A., University of Wisconsin; M.A., Northern Illinois University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. (2000)

Joseph A. Daniel, Professor of Animal Science B.S.A., University of Georgia; Ph.D., University of Missouri. (2006)

Hoang Dao, Visiting Professor of Economics B.A., St. John’s University; Ph.D., Economics, University of New York at Buffalo (2021)

John T. David, Artist in Residence, Fine Arts-Music B.M., Columbus State University; M.M., University of Georgia; A.B.D., University of Miami. (2013)

Matthew Delzer, Lecturer of Communication; Assistant Director of Forensics B.A., Northern State University; M.S., South Dakota State University. (2015)

Casey Dexter, Associate Professor of Psychology; Interim Dean of Academic Services  B.A., Albion College; M.A., Ph.D., Wayne State University. (2013)

Kristen Ann Diliberto-Macaluso, Professor of Psychology B.A., Binghamton University, State University of New York; M.A. University at Albany, State University of New York; Ph.D., State University of New York. (1999)

Christopher G. Diller, Professor of English B.A., Miami University; M.A., Northwestern University; Ph.D., University of Utah. (1999)

William Donnelly, Associate Professor of English B.A., The College of William and Mary; M.F.A., University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of Houston. (2013)

David Elmer, Associate Professor of Kinesiology B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D, Auburn University. (2013)

Basil G. Englis, Edgerton Professor of Marketing B.A., Hunter College; Ph.D., Dartmouth College. (1996)

Paula Englis, Professor of Business Administration A.S., Chattanooga State Technology Community College; B.S., M.B.A., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; Ph.D., University of Memphis. (1999)

Jordan Rowan Fannin, Assistant Professor of Religion, B.A., Baylor University; M.A., University of Dayton; Ph.D., Baylor University

Kimberly Field-Springer, Associate Professor Communication B.A., Kent State University; M.A., The University of Akron; Ph.D., Ohio University. (2015)

Laura Flatow, Clinical Associate Professor of Animal Science B.S., Iowa State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Davis. (2013)

Luke Fredericks, Visiting Assistant Professor in Mathematics  B.A., B.S., M.A., California State University; Ph.D., (expected June 2021) University of California Irvine (2021)

Peter Friedrich, Associate Professor and Director in Theatre  B.A., Santa Clara University; M.F.A American Conservatory Theatre (2021)

Ashley Gellert, Visiting Assistant Professor of Communication B.A., Kutztown University; M.A., Virginia Tech; ABD, University of Georgia (2017)

Xin Geng, Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance B.S., Fairmont State University; M.P.A., Ph.D., West Virginia University (2017)

Vincent M. Grégoire, Nichols Professor of French B.A., M.A., Université F. Rabelais, Tours, France; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University. (1992)

Alyssa Grey, Assistant Professor of Music  B.M., University of Miami; M.A., Eastman School of Music; Ph.D., University of North Texas (2021)

John R. Grout, Garrett Professor of Business Administration B.S., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University. (1997)

Annette Hanle-Daniels, Lecturer of French and German A.C.E.S., University of Edinburgh; Masters, Universitê de Geniéve. (2013)

Christopher A. Hall, Associate Professor of Biology B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Georgia. (1999)

Nadeem A. Hamid, Associate Professor of Computer Science B.S., University of New Haven; M.S., Ph.D., Yale University. (2004)

Michelle Haney, Professor of Psychology B.A., Oglethorpe University; M.Ed., Ed.S., University of Georgia; Ph.D., Georgia State University. (1999)

Eric Hanson, Instructor in Fine Arts B.M. Kennesaw State University, M.M. University of Georgia (2010).

Sherre Harrington, Director-Memorial Library B.A., M.L., University of South Carolina. (2009)

J. Adam Hayes, Professor of Music, Artist in Residence (Music) B.Mus., University of Georgia; M. M., University of New Mexico; Ph.D., The University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music. (2007)

Lauren Heller, Associate Professor of Economics B.A., Capital University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (2010)

Curt W. Hersey, Assistant Professor of Communication B.A., Berry College; M.A., Georgia State University; Ph.D., Georgia State University. (2007)

John C. Hickman, Professor of Government and International Studies, B.S., Southwest Missouri State University; M.A., University of Missouri; J.D., Washington University, St. Louis; Ph.D., University of Iowa. (1992)

Eliana Hirano, Associate Professor of Education B.S., Universidade de Sao Paulo; M.S., Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo; Ph.D., Georgia State University. (2012)

Kevin R. Hoke, Associate Professor of Chemistry B.A., Rice University; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology. (2007)

Jessica C. Hornbuckle, Assistant Librarian B.A., Berry College; M.A., University of Louisiana at Laayette; M.L.I.S., Louisiana State University. (2014)

R. Alan Hughes, Professor of Psychology, Dean Charter School of Education and Human Sciences; B.A., Berea College; M.A., Western Kentucky University; Ph.D., University of Louisville. (2007)

Marvin Duane Inman, Adjunct Professor of Education B.S., Georgia Southern University; M.S., University of Tennessee; Ph.D., University of South Florida. (2001)

Megan Janke, Associate Professor of Kinesiology  B.S., University of Florida; M.S., Clemson University; Ph.D., University of Georgia (2021)

Eloise Jenkins, Instructor in Fine Arts B.M. University of Miami, M.M., D.M.A. University of Wisconsin. (2009)

Ken Johnston, Associate Professor of Finance B. Commerce, Carleton; M.B.A., Ph.D., Florida State University. (2004)

Brian Jory, Professor of Education and Human Sciences B.A., Santa Clara University; M.A., Michigan State University; Ph.D., Florida State University. (1998)

Tamie J. Jovanelly, Associate Professor of Geology B.S., University of Michigan-Dearborn; M.S., University of Nebraska; Ph.D., Kent State University. (2006)

Emmanual Kalargiros, Assistant Professor of Management B.A., Heriot-Wyatt University; M.B.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Ph.D., New Mexico State University. (2015)

Hyunsung D. Kang, Assistant Professor of Management

Kevin D. Kleine, Senior Lecturer in Journalism; Student Publications Advisor B.A., Eastern Kentucky University; M.A., Ball State University. (1989)

Timothy Knowlton, Associate Professor of Anthropology B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University; Ph.D., Tulane University. (2006)

Arman Kosedag, Associate Professor of Finance B.S., Istanbul University; M.S., Ph.D., Louisiana State University. (2005)

Eric R. Kushins, Assistant Professor of Management, Marketing & Creative Technologies; B.A with Honors, the College of Social Studies, Wesleyan University; M.A., Rutgers University; Ph.D., Rutgers University. (2018)

Belinda S. Lady, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry B.S., Western Kentucky University; Ph. D., University of Tennessee. (2014)

Charles D. Lane, Associate Professor of Physics B.S., University of Tennessee; Ph.D., Indiana University. (2001)

Truong V. Le, Assistant Professor of Physics B.S., M.S., Wichita State University; Ph. D., George Mason University. (2014)

Matthew Lee, Assistant Professor of Philosophy B.A., University of Texas; M. Phil.,University of Oxford; Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. (2014)

Matthew H. Levin, Clinical Associate Professor, Accounting and Finance B.S., Florida State University; Master of Taxation, M.B.A., Georgia State University; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University (2017)

Anne S. Lewinson, Associate Professor of Anthropology B.A., Williams College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. (2001)

Jeffrey Lidke, Professor of Religion B.A., University of Colorado; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara. (2003)

Lucia Llorente, Associate Professor of Spanish Licenciatura in Hispanic Philology, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain; M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington. (1998)

Rebecca M. Logan, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing B.S.N., Brenau University; M.S.N., University of North Georgia. (2014)

Susan Logsdon-Conradsen, Associate Professor of Psychology; Director, Women’s Studies B.A., University of Georgia; M.A., Ph.D., University of Louisville. (1999)

Leslie Marlow, Professor of Education B.S., M.Ed., College of Charleston; Ed.D., University of Alabama. (2001)

Kenneth L. Martin, Associate Professor of Chemistry B.S., Ph.D., University of New Orleans. (1999)

Laurence W. Marvin, Professor of History B.A., M.A., University of Wyoming; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (1998)

E. Dale McConkey II, Associate Professor of Sociology; B.A., Eckerd College; A.M., Ph.D., University of Illinois. (1993)

Brain MeehanAssociate Professor of Economics B.A., Northern Michigan University; M.A., Central Michigan University. (2015)

Sandra Meek, Dana Professor of English B.A., M.F.A., Colorado State University; Ph.D., University of Denver. (1996)

Christopher Mingone, Clinical Assistant Professor of Health Professions and Pre-Health Advisor; B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology; M.S, Ph.D, New York Medical College. (2013)

Thema Monroe-White, Assistant Professor, Data Analytics B.S., M.S., Howard University; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology

Michael B. Morgan, Professor of Biology B.S., M.A., Loma Linda University; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology. (2003)

Victor Morgan, Clinical Assistant Professor of Education B.S., Tuskegee University; M.Ed., West Georgia College; Ed.S., Jacksonville State University. (2015)

Christopher B. Mowry, Professor of Biology B.A., Wake Forest University; M.S., Ph.D., Emory University. (1994)

Melissa Mullins, Director of the Writing Center; Visiting Lecturer in English, Rhetoric, and Writing B.A., M.A., Portland State University. (2015)

Samantha Nazione, Associate Professor of Business Communication, B.A. , M.A., Ph. D., Michigan State (2014)

Paul Neal, Associate Professor of Music; Director of Choral Activities B.M., Rice University; M.M., University of Oklahoma; D.M.A., UCLA. (2015)

Davis Nelson, Administrator in Residence (Education) B.S., Georgia State University; M.Ed., West Georgia College; Ed.S. West Georgia College; Ed.D. Nova University. (2007)

Kathryn Nobles, Instructor of Fine Arts B.M. Berry College (2001)

Michael C. O’Malley, Archivist, B.A., Indiana University-Bloomington; M.L.S., M.S., Southern Connecticut State University; C.A.S., University of Pittsburgh. (2008)

Michael Papazian, Professor of Philosophy B.A., The Johns Hopkins University; M.St., Oxford University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia. (1998)

Jonathan Parker, Associate Professor of Religion B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.Div., Trinity School for Ministry; M.A., Ph.D., University of Durham (UK). (2013)

Clinton Crockett Peters, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing B.A., Texas Tech University; M.F.A., University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of North Texas. (2018)

Sunday Peters, Associate Professor of Animal Science B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria; Ph.D. New Mexico State University. (2012)

Poole, Angela, Associate Professor of Biology

Chang Pu, Associate Professor of Education B.A., University of Electronics, Science & Technology of China; M.A., St. Cloud State University; Ph.D., University of Texas San Antonio. (2007)

Dominic Qualley, Associate Professor of Chemistry B.A., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Alabama. (2010)

Thom Ratkos, Assistant Professor of Education B.S. Eastern Michigan University; M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan University

DeLacy V. Rhodes, Associate Professor of Biology B.S., M.S., Austin Peay State University; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University. (2015)

Dennis Ritter, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art B.F.A., Temple University; M.F.A., Alfred University. (2018)

Frances Roe, Clinical Assistant Professor in Education and Director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching B.S., Washington University; M.A., Michigan University. (2005)

Eric Sands, Associate Professor of Government and International Studies, B.A., Hampton-Sydney College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia. (2006)

Phil Schaller, Reference Services Librarian

James M. Sharpe, Associate Professor of Economics B.A., Valdosta State University; M.S., University of Kentucky. (2015)

Daniel Sipocz, Associate Professor of Communication B.A., Valparaiso University; M.A., Ball State University; Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi. (2015)

David Fry Slade, Associate Professor of Spanish; Dean of Academic Services B.A., Berry College; M.A., University of Kentucky; Ph.D., Emory University. (2007)

Angela Baldwin Smith, Associate Professor Kinesiology B.S.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., The University of Georgia. (2007)

Christy Jo Snider, Associate Professor of History B.A., Drury College; M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University. (2000)

Matthew Stanard, Professor of History B.A., Wake Forest University; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University-Bloomington. (2006)

E. Frank Stephenson, Henry Gund Professor of Economics  B.A., Washington and Lee University; M.Econ., Ph.D., North Carolina State University. (1997)

Carolyn J. Stufft, Associate Professor of Teacher Education

Aridany Suarez-Trujillo, Assistant Professor of Animal Science  D.V.M., M.S., Ph.D., University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). (2021)

Alice H. Suroviec, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Dean of the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, B.S., Allegheny College; Ph.D., Virginia Tech. (2007)

Julee Tate, Professor of Spanish B.A., Emory University; M.A., Ph.D., Tulane University. (2003)

Mark Taylor, Associate Professor of English B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Texas. (1998)

Kirsten Taylor, Professor of Government and International Studies B.A., University of Pittsburgh; M.A., Ph.D., McGill University. (2002)

Ronald D. Taylor Jr., Professor of Mathematics B.S., B.A., Concord College; M.Mth., Winthrop University; Ph.D., Bowling Green State University. (2000)

Zachary P. Taylor, Associate Professor of Environmental Science B.S., University of Denver; M.S., Ph. D., University of Tennessee. (2014)

Indra Thomas, Artist-in-Residence in Voice  B.S. Shorter College; Artistic Diploma in Opera Performance, Academy of Vocal Arts (2021)

Todd K. Timberlake, Professor of Physics B.S., Vanderbilt University; Ph.D., University of Texas. (2001)

Natalie Tracy, Clinical Instructor in Nursing  B.S., Berry College; M.S., Liberty University (2021)

Virginia Gardner Troy, Professor of Art History B.A., Western Washington University; M.A., University of Washington; Ph.D., Emory University. (1998)

Mark Turlington, Associate Professor of Chemistry B.S., Furman University; Ph.D., University of Virginia. (2013)

Karyn Usher, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry  A.S., Saint John’s College (Belize); B.S., Ph.D., Florida State University (2021)

Abigail Vegter, Assistant Professor of Political Science  B.A., Calvin College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Kansas (2021)

Jack Vespa, Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Rhetoric & Writing (2021)

Anna Vredeveld, Associate Professor of Marketing M.S., Lund University; M.B.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (2015)

James H. Watkins, Professor of English B.A., University of Tennessee; M.A., Ph.D., University of Florida. (1995)

Hope Willoughby, Lecturer of Communications B.A., Berry College; M.A., Georgia State University. (2013)

Judith Wilson, Professor of Animal Science; Director, Gunby Equine Center B.S., University of New Hampshire; M.S., Kansas State University; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. (1997)

Jeremy Worsham, Associate Director, Librarian, Instructional and Digital Services B.A., Mercer University; M.L.I.S., University of Alabama; M.Ed. University of Georgia. (2001)




Stephen R. Briggs, President B.A., Wake Forest University; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin. (2006)

Jonathan R. Huggins, Chaplain B.S., Shorter College; M.A., Wheaton College; M.A.R., Reformed Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Stellenbosch. (2010)

Erin Moniz, Director of Student Ministries B.S., Berry College; M. Div. Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.(2014)

Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff; B.A., Mount Union College; M.A., Ohio State University. (2004)

Angel Mason, Director of Athletics B.A., Butler University; M.S., California University of Pennsylvania. (2019)

Academic Affairs

David F. Slade, Interim Provost & VP for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of Spanish; B.A., Berry College; M.A., University of Kentucky; Ph.D., Emory University. (2007)

, Director, Berry College Child Development Center, B.S., Eastern Illinois University; M.Ed., Lesley University. (2016)

Gabriel Barreneche, Dean Evans School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.

Elizabeth Davis, Director of International Experiences, 

Casey Dexter, Interim Dean of Academic Services, Associate Professor of Psychology

Laurie Chandler, Director, Bonner Center for Community Engagement B.A., Berry College; M.P.A., Kennesaw State University. (1997)

Bryce Durbin, Director of Institutional Research and Registrar, B.S., North Georgia College; M.A., Appalachian State University; Ed.D, Vanderbilt University. (2008)

Lori Frederick, Director of Berry College Elementary and Middle School, B.S., Berry College; M.Ed., Berry College. (2017)

, Director of Memorial Library B.A., M.L., University of South Carolina. (2009)

Lauren R. Heller, Interim Dean of the Campbell School of Business; Associate Professor of Economics, B.A., Capital University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2011)

R. Alan Hughes, Dean of Charter School of Education and Human Sciences, Professor of Psychology, B.A., Berea College; M.A., Western Kentucky University; Ph.D., University of Louisville. (2007)

Nancy Mercer, Assistant Dean and M.B.A. Director Campbell School of Business, B.B.A., Kennesaw State University; M.P.S., Tulane University. (2005)

, Director of South Rome Early Learning Center, B.A., University of South Carolina; M.A., Columbia College. (2016)

Anna Sharpe, Director of the Academic Success Center, B.A., Valdosta State University; M.A., University of Kentucky; Ph.D., University of Kentucky. (2015)

Alice H. Suroviec, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Dean of the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, B.S., Allegheny College; Ph.D., Virginia Tech. (2007)

Laura Taylor, Director of Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs 


Cyndi Court, Vice President for Advancement, B.Ed., York University; B.A., York University. (2017)

Jennifer Beard, Director of Alumni Relations, B.S., M.B.A., Berry College.

M. Scott Breithaupt, Assistant VP Campaign and Leadership Giving B.S., M.B.A. Berry College, CFRE. (1992)

Brenda Jenkins, Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship, B.S., Berry College.

Jennifer Schaknowski, Director of Alumni Development, B.A., Alma College.

Matt Shinall, Director Prospect Research, B.S., Kennesaw State University.

Sharman Turner, Director Annual Giving and Specialty Programs, B.A., The American University.

Rick Woodall, Acting Director of Philanthropic Communications, B.A., Berry College. (2004)

Business and Finance

Brian Erb, Vice President for Finance B.S., Rutgers University; M.B.A., Mount St. Mary’s College. CPA (2003)

Debbie Emory, Director of Auditing, Compliance and Investments B.S., Shorter College. (1982)

Penny Evans-Plants, Chief Information Officer B.A., Berry College; M.S.I.S., Kennesaw State University. (1990)

Mark Hopkins, Director of Physical Plant B.S., Berry College. (1998)

Jeff Palmer, Senior Accountant, B.S., M.B.A., Berry College. (2011)

Wayne Phipps, Director of Human Resources, B.S., M.A., University of the Cumberlands; M.P.A. Kennesaw State University

R. Daniel Price, General Counsel, In-House. B.S., Berry College; J.D., University of Georgia. (2002)

Brad T. Reeder, Assistant Vice President for Financial Planning, B.B.A., Lincoln Memorial University; M.B.A., Berry College (2012)

Gary J. Will, Assistant Vice President for Campus Security and Emergency Response Management, B.S. Miami University

William L. Yeomans, Director Forestry Operations, ABAC (2006)

Enrollment Management

Andrew R. Bressette, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Associate Professor of Chemistry, B.A., Assumption College; Ph.D., University of Virginia. (1998)

Glenn Getchell, Director of Admissions & Enrollment Engagement

Marcia R. McConnell, Director of Scholarship and New Student Financial Aid, B.S., Berry College; M.Ed., Mississippi State University (2009)

Noemi Sarrion-Cortes, Director of Financial Aid, B.S., University of the Balearic Islands; MBA., Berry College.

Kinsey Stout, Associate Director, Enrollment Management Marketing and Communication, B.Mus., Berry College; M.S., Georgia State University; M.N.A., University of Notre Dame.

Amanda Swendsen, Director of Enrollment Operations and Strategy

Marketing and Communications

Nancy Rewis, Vice President for Marketing and Communications, B.S., University of Mississippi.

Shannon Biggers, Director of Creative Services B.S., Berry College. (1985)

Cameron S. Jordan, Interim VP Public Relations and Marketing, Director of E-communication Services B.B.A., M.S.I.S., Kennesaw State University. (2001)

Chris Reinolds Kozelle, Director of News and Editorial Services B.S. University of Kansas. (2010)

Kathleen Ray, Director of Special Events, B.S., Berry College.

Student Affairs

Lindsey Taylor, Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students B.A., Valdosta State University; M.A., University of Mississippi. (2005)

Cecily Crow, Director of Student Activities B.A., Berry College; M.E.D., University of South Carolina. (1994-96, 2002)

Anita P. Errickson, Director of Health and Wellness Center A.D.N., Dalton College. (1994-2002, 2004)

Meredith Johnson, Assistant Dean of Students, B.S., Berry College; M.Ed., Harvard University. (2017)

Michael McElveen, Director of Recreation, B.S., M.S., Armstrong Atlanitc State University (2014).

Lindsay Norman, Associate Dean of Students for Residence Life, B.A., Berry College; M.A., Appalachian State University. (2015)


Personal and Professional Development

Marc Hunsaker, Dean of Personal and Professional Development, B.A., University of South Carolina; M.A. & M.Divinity, Covenant Theological Seminary; Ph.D, Michigan State University (2019)

Nancy Burkett, Director of Career Development

Michael D. Burnes, Director of Student Work Operations, B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy; M.S., Air Force Institute of Technology (2005)

, Director of Employer Development


Athletic Staff

Angel Mason, Director of Athletics

David Beasley, Head Coach, Men’s Baseball, Associate Director of Athletics

Kathy Insel Brown, Head Coach, Women’s Soccer

Paul Deaton, Head Coach, Men’s and Women’s Cross Country

Margaret Ellington, Equestrian Coach

Astrid Escobar, Swim Coach & Aquatics Coordinator

Brian Farrer, Head Coach, Men’s and Women’s Golf

Curtis Gilbert, Head Coach, Men’s Lacrosse

Brittni Hall, Head Coach, Women’s Lacrosse

Ronda Hancock, Athletic Office Manager

Jason Hanes, Director of Sports Information and Promotions

Mick Hedgepeth, Head Coach, Men’s Basketball 

Head Coach, Men’s and Women’s Tennis

Thomas Johnson, Head Coach, Women’s Basketball

Tony Kunczewski, Head Coach, Football

Caitlyn Moriarty, Head Coach, Indoor Volleyball and Beach Volleyball

Ginger Swann, Assistant Director of Athletics for Sports Medicine and Senior Woman Administrator

Luke Syverson, Head Coach, Men’s and Women’s Track & Field

Richard Vardy, Head Coach, Men’s Soccer

Shane West, Assistant AD Facilities/Compliance/ Game Management


Berry College Elementary and Middle School Staff

Lori Frederick, Director of Berry College Elementary and Middle School, B.S., Berry College; M.Ed., Berry College. (2017)

Julianne Bailey, Teacher, Middle School

Kimberly Bergin, Teacher, Elementary School, First Grade

Lewis Byrne, Teacher, Elementary School, Second Grade

Claire Connor, Teacher, Elementary School, Third Grade

Ellice Curry-Tucker, Teacher, Middle School

Vivienne Durbin, Music Teacher, Elementary and Middle School Music

Claire Howard, Teacher, Elementary and Middle School, Arts

Lynne Manna, Admissions Director

Joan McPherson-Blose, Office Manager; Director, After School Care

Mary Breanna Mead, Teacher, Elementry, First Grade

Justin Merrian, Teacher, Elementary, Fourth Grade

Anne Marie Mitchell, Spanish teacher, Elementary and Middle School

Julie Trejo, Teacher, Elementary School, Fifth Grade

Jason Tucker, Teacher, Middle School

Faculty and Staff Emeriti

Steven H. Bell, Professor of Psychology Emeritus B.A., Rutgers University; M.A., Glassboro State College; Ph.D., University of Georgia. (1976)

Lynnwood Belvin, Associate Professor Education Emeritus B.S., M.A., Tennessee Technical University; Ed.D., The University of Tennessee. (1999)

Wade A. Carpenter, Associate Professor of Education Emeritus B.A., Wofford College; M.Ed., Winthrop College; Ph.D., Georgia State University. (1992)

Robert Catanzano, Professor of Mathematics Education Emeritus B.S., Auburn University; M.A., Bowling Green State University; Ed.D., University of Georgia. (1964, 1966-1996)

Tom Carver, Vice President Student Affairs & Dean Of Students- Emeritus B.A., Tarikio College; M.A., Bowling Green University; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. (1978)

James E. Clark, Associate Professor of Music Emeritus B.S., Western Kentucky University; M.M., VanderCook College of Music. (1970-1987)

Mary Clement, Professor of Education; Director, Center for Teaching Excellence B.A., Illinois State University at Normal; M.A., Ed.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (1997)

Michael Cooley, Professor English, Rhetoric & Writing Emeritus B.A., M.A., Southeast Missouri State University; Ph. D., The University of Louisville. (1988)

John C. Countryman, Associate Professor of Theatre Emeritus B.A., Lyndon State College; M.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Ph.D., Bowling Green State University. (1989)

August J. de Berdt, Nichols Associate Professor of German Emeritus B.A., St. Lodewijkscollege, Belgium; B.Div., Calvin Theological Seminary; Abs. Th., University of Innsbruck, Austria; M.A., University of Georgia; Ph.D., University of Tennessee. (1970-1998)

John Edward Davis, Professor of Music Emeritus; B.M., M.M., San Francisco State University; D.M.A., University of Arizona. (1995)

Krishna S. Dhir, Professor of Business Administration Emeritus; B. Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay; M.S., Michigan State University;
M.B.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D., University of Colorado (2001 - 2014).

Ouida W. Dickey, Dean of Academic Services and Professor of Business Administration Emerita, B.S., Berry College; M.A., The George Peabody College for Teachers; Ed.D., University of Georgia. (1950, 1952-1953, 1955-1957, 1959-1999)

Jane B. Doss, Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education Emerita, B.S., Winthrop College; M.S., Jacksonville State University. (1968-1995)

Ruth Alice Ference, Associate Professor of Education Emerita, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Georgia. (1999)

Robert L. Frank, Associate Professor of Speech Emeritus, B.A., University of Richmond; M.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. (1979-2015)

George R. Gallagher, Dana Professor of Animal Science Emeritus; Director, Rollins Beef Center B.S., M.S., New Mexico State University; Ph.D., Washington State University. (1988)

J. Kay Gardner, Assistant Professor Foreign Language, Emerita, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Kentucky. (1976 - 2009)

Robert L. Geisel, Professor of Sociology Emeritus, B.A., M.A., University of Nebraska; Ph.D., University of Iowa. (1973-1998)

Martin R. Goldberg, College Veterinarian Emeritus, B.V. Sc., University of Pretoria, South Africa. (1987)

Ondina Santos González, Associate Professor and Director of Memorial Library Emerita, B.L., Instituto Pre-Universitario de Cienfuegos; B.C.E., Matanzas Union Theological Seminary, Cuba; M.Ln., Emory University. (1973-1999)

John H. Graham, Reid Professor of Biology B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers University. (1989)

Cheryln Granrose, Professor Management Emerita B.S., M.S., University of Michigan; M.S., Kansas State University; Ph.D. Rutgers University. (2001)

Kenneth F. Hancock, Dana Professor of Biology Emeritus B.S., Jacksonville State University; M.A., The George Peabody College for Teachers; Ph.D., University of Alabama. (1960-1995)

Sherre Herrington, Director of Memorial Library Emerita; B.A., M.L., University of South Carolina. (2009)

Debbie Heida, Dean of Students & Chief of Staff Emerita; B.A., Mount Union College; M.A., Ohio State University. (2004)

Clay Hightower, Head Coach Emeritus, Men’s and Women’s Tennis

William R. Hoyt, Professor of Religion and Philosophy Emeritus A.B., Davidson College; M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Duke University. (1957-1993)

D. Joyce Jackson, Professor of Education Emerita B.S., Winthrop College; M.S., Ed.D., University of Tennessee. (1969-1993)

Gerald D. Jennings, Professor of Psychology Emeritus, B.A., University of Rochester; M.S., University of Bridgeport; Ph.D., University of Florida. (1973)

Thomas D. Kennedy, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus,  B.A., Calvin College; Ph.D., University of Virginia. (2007)

Faye Kesler, Assistant Professor of Music Emeritus B.M., M.F.A., University of Georgia (1970)

Dwight Kinzer, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus B.A., Vanderbilt University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Alabama. (1969-1998)

Karen A. Kurz, Associate Professor of teacher Education Emeritus B.S., State University of New York, College at Genesco; M.S., Nazareth College; Ph.D., West Virginia University. (1995)

Louis A. Le Blanc, Professor of Business Administration Emeritus B.S., M.A., University of Houston; Ph.D., Texas A&M University. (1998-2014)

Jere B. Lykins, Associate Professor of Art Emeritus B.A., Eckerd College; M.Ed., University of Florida. (1972-2015)

L. Doyle Mathis, Provost Emeritus A.B., Berry College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Georgia. (1975- 2000)

Daniel J. McBrayer, Professor of Psychology Emeritus B.A., M.Ed., West Georgia College; Ph.D., Georgia State University. (1979 - 2007)

Malcolm W. McDonald Jr., Associate Professor of Physics Emeritus B.A., Berry College; M.S., Emory University; Ph.D., University of Georgia. (1964-2001)

Jacqueline A. McDowell, Professor of Education Emeritus; B.S., M.Ed., University of Akron; Ph.D., Kent State University. (1992-2021)

 David McKenzie, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus B.A., Louisiana College; B.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., Louisiana State University; Ph.D., University of Texas. (1978)

Larry G. McRae, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus A.B., Berry College; Ph.D., University of Mississippi. (1974-2005)

Thomas J. Mew III, Professor of Art Emeritus B.S., M.A., Florida State University; Ph.D., New York University. (1970)

Barbara N. Mixon, Associate Professor of Chemistry Emerita A.B., Georgia College; M.R.E., Drew University; Ph.D., University of Georgia. (1974-1999)

J. Wilson Mixon Jr., Professor of Economics Emeritus B.A., University of South Carolina; M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington. (1986-2006)

Maureen K. Morgan, Librarian Emeritus B.A., University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh; M.L.S., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; M.B.A., Berry College. (1983)

Harry Musselwhite, Senior Lecturer in Music Emeritus; Director of Choral Activities B.Mus.Ed., University of Georgia; M.M., Indiana University. (1985-2015)

Mary E. Outlaw, Senior Lecturer of Teacher Education Emeritus B.A., Palm Beach Atlantic University; M.S.Ed., Northern Illinois University; Ed.D., University of Georgia. (1992)

Robert W. Pearson, Professor of Kinesiology Emeritus B.S., M.S., State University College of New York at Brockport; Ed.D., University of New Mexico. (1982)

Stanley Pethel, Professor of Music Emeritus B.M., M.F.A., University of Georgia; D.M.A., University of Kentucky. (1973)

Robert Prince, Associate Professor Mathematical & Computer Science Emeritus A.B., North Georgia College; M.S., Ph. D., University of Georgia. (1984)

Martha Reynolds, Associate Librarian Emerita, Public Services A.B., St. Andrews Presbyterian College; M.A., Appalachian State University. (1995)

James L. Rhoades, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University. (1970- 1999)

Kathy Brittain Richardson, Professor of Communication Emeritus, B.A., Shorter College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Georgia. (1986)

Randy Richardson, Director of Forensics Emeritus A.A., Florida College; B.S., M.A., Ball State University; Ph.D., Wayne State University. (1990)

Jeanne Mar Schul, Artistic Director of Dance Troup Emeritus; B.A., Brockport State University; M.A., Texas Woman’s University. (1995)

Ollie Mallard Scoggins, Assistant Professor of Home Economics Emerita B.S.H.E., Berry College; M.S., University of Tennessee. (1952-1990)

Julian B. Shand Jr., Dana Professor of Physics Emeritus B.S., University of South Carolina; Ph.D., University of North Carolina. (1967-1998)

Chaitram Singh, Gund Professor of Government and International Studies Emeritus B.S., United States Military Academy; M.A., Ph.D., University of Florida. (1984)

William D. Sockwell, Associate Professor of Economics Emeritus B.S., Auburn University; M.B.A., University of Alabama at Birmingham; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. (1988)

Martha Tapia, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education Emeritus B.S., M.S., University of Puerto Rico; M.A., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., University of Alabama. (1999)

George Duncan Turner, Professor of History Emeritus B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan. (1969-1990)

Martha Gale Van Cise, Lecturer in Rhetoric and Writing; Director of Academic Support Center Emerita A.B., M.Ed., Mercer University. (1984)

Dara Wakefield, Green Professor of Education Emeritus B.A., Southwest Baptist College; M.R.E., Lincoln University; M.R.E., University of Missouri, St. Louis; M.R.E., Southwestern Theological Seminary; Ed.D., Baylor University. (2001)


Board of Trustees

*Berry College Alumni


Richard W. Gilbert*, Chair, Senior Advisor, Atlanticus Holding Corp.

G. Bert Clark, Jr.*, Vice Chair, Wealth Management Advisor and Principal, Clark Financial Group


Sheila W. Allen, Senior Accreditation Advisor, Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges; Dean Emeritus, University of Georgia, School of Veterinary Medicine

David H. Asbury*, Senior Managing Principal, OneDigital Health and Benefits

D. Randolph Berry, Engineering and Financial Consultant, Great-nephew of Martha Berry

Brian Brodrick*, Partner, Jackson Spalding

Brandon D. Bushnell, Orthopedic Surgeon, Harbin Clinic

Steven J. Cage*, Chairman, RPM Collection, LLC

Peter J. Capponi, North American Industrial & Manufacturing Sector Leader, GHD, Inc.

Aaron Chastain*, Senior Investment Consultant, NEPC, LLC

John Coleman*, Managing Partner, Sovereign’s Capital

John D. Eadie*, Founder and Managing Director, Covenant Multifamily Offices

Vincent L. Griffith*, Vice President, Strategic Growth and Development at Noble Supply & Logistics; Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Retired

Craig Heyl, COO & Executive In-Charge of Production, Trilith Studios

Angela Lewis*, Bank Executive, Retired Executive Director, Enterprise Risk, Synovus Bank

Roger W. Lusby, III*, Managing Partner, Frazier and Deeter, LLC

Araya Mesfin*, Senior Vice President, Wealth Management, UBS

Peter M. Musser, Principal Manager, Angeline Properties, LLC

Brent D. Ragsdale*, Senior Vice President and CFO, Chick-fil-A, Inc.

Mairo Akposé-Simpson*, Human Resources Executive

Robert Swarthout*, Startup advisor and investor

Fred J. Tharpe*, Retired Senior Director, Global Construction Management, Turner Properties

Roger C. Tutterow*, Professor of Economics and Director of Econometric Center, Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University

Martha Berry Walstad, Director, Greater Rome Bank, Great-niece of Martha Berry

Sarah Hawkins Warren, Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia

C.B. “Buster” Wright III*, Retired Senior Managing Director, Southern Regional Director Wells Fargo Advisors


Trustees Emeriti

Edward L. Addison, Retired Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, The Southern Co., Cashiers, N.C.

H. Inman Allen, Retired Chairman, Inman Allen Co., Atlanta, GA

Clinton G. Ames Jr., Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, Inland Container Corp., Point Clear, Ala.

Frank Barron Jr., Vice President, Rome Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Rome, Ga.

Sheryle J. Bolton, * San Diego, CA, Consultant

Dan T. Cathy, Atlanta, GA, President, Chick-­fil-­A, Inc.

W. Glenn Cornell,* Atlanta, GA, Retired Senior Vice President for Economic Development, Forestar Real Estate Group

Chester W. Diercks Jr., Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, Utility Power Corp., Roswell, Ga.

Bernard M. Fauber, Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kmart Corp., Escondido, Calif.

J. Paul Ferguson, Retired President, The Harbin Clinic, Rome, GA.

Terry A. Graham, Retired Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Lockhead Martin Corperation, Atlanta, GA.

Gaynelle Grizzard,* Rome, Ga.

Karen Holley Horrell, * Freemont, IN, Retired President, Corporate Services Division, Great American Insurance Company

Harold Kilpatrick,* Boynton Beach, Fl.

Sunny K. Park, Atlanta, GA, Chief Executive Officer, General Building Maintenance, Inc.

H. G. Pattillo, Chairman of the Board, Pattillo Construction Co. Inc., Decatur, Ga.

Leonard P. Roberts, Retired President A & L Shielding, Rome, GA.

R. Randall Rollins, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Rollins Inc., Atlanta, Ga.

Robert E. Shaw, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Shaw Industries Inc., Dalton, Ga.

William B. Stokely III, Chairman of the Board and President, The Stokely Co., Knoxville, Tenn


Berry College is incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia as “Berry College, Inc.” Ownership and control are vested in a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees. The institution has no official connection with any state, religious denomination, or organization other than its own board.

Board of Visitors

Chair: Brian J. Brodrick,* Jackson Spalding, Athens, GA

Vice Chair:  Karen Houghton*, Founder and CEO at Infinite Giving, Atlanta,GA

Brad Loyd Alexander,* Senior VP, State Government Relations, McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC, Atlanta, GA

Mary Sib Banks, Vice President for Community Relations, News Publishing Company, Rome, GA

William R. “Billy” Blanchard, President, Columbus Bank and Trust, Columbus, GA

Alan L. Bridges,* Director, Trade Spend Optimization, Coca-Cola Refreshments, Atlanta, GA

Leanne H. Cook, Senior Director of Marketing, Harbin Clinic, Rome, GA

Gretchen Corbin, President and CEO, Georgia Lottery Corporation, Atlanta, GA

Elena Droutzkoy Corso, New York, NY

Mike Crego, Managing Director, Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. Inc., Atlanta, GA

Tina Stancil Denicole,* Vice President of Finance and Administration Helious Education Foundation, Paradise Valley, AZ

Tommy L. Dopson,* Partner & Orthopaedic Surgeon, Resurgens Orthopaedics, P.C., Atlanta, GA

Kay Davis Dunn,* Retired Founder and Executive Director, Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, GA

Terri Colson Earls,* Senior Marketing Manager, Church’s Chicken, Lithonia, GA

Elizabeth Collins Earnst,* Project Manager, BASF Corporation, Charlotte, NC

Jeff Field,* Attorney, Jeff Field & Associates, Scottdale, GA

William R. Gaines,* Partner, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP, Atlanta, GA

Victor E. Giovanetti,* President, HCA Virginia-Southwest Region, Salem, VA

Christopher A. Goeckel, Founder and Former CEO, Dinero Solutions, Duluth, GA

Carlos A. Gonzalez,* Partner, The Gonzalez Law Group, Atlanta, GA

Jeff M. Jahn, Founder, DynamiX Web Design, Kennesaw, GA

Wanda Riggs Mack, Vice President - Producer, NorthMarq-Capital, Atlanta, GA

Michael S. Maney, Senior Director, Communications, Target, Minneapolis, MN

Roy N. Miller*, Owner, Miller Property Investment, LLC., Decatur, GA

Lawrence J. Montgomery, President, Montgomery Family Foundation, Carrollton, GA

Audrey Morgan, Southernaire Music Company; The Audrey and Jack Morgan Foundation, Tucker, GA

Jack Allen Morgan, Attorney, US Department of Justice, Tax Division, Washington D.C.

Nona Sparks Patterson,* Stone Mountain, GA

William L. Pence,* Partner, Baker Hostetler, LLP, Orlando, FL

Berry Lowden Perkins, Curatorial Assistant, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA

Shelley Stokely Przewrocki, Operations Manager, The Stokely Company, Knoxville, TN

Frances E. Richey,* President - Owner, Richey Contracting, Inc., Sandy Springs, GA

Steve P. Riley,* Attorney, Atticus Inc., Ormond Beach, FL

Maria Saporta, Founder and Editor, The, Atlanta, GA

Casey T. Smith,* President, Wiser Wealth Management, Inc., Marietta, GA

George Spas*, Facilitator and Business Development Consultant, Executive Presence Inc., Atlanta, Georgia

Denise Sumner, Financial Controller, VF Corporation, Greensboro, NC

Stanley L. Tate, Retired Executive Vice President. Chief Environmental Officer, Southwire Company, Carrollton, GA

Michael Willis Thompson,* Principal, CLA (CliftonLarsonAllen LLP), Atlanta, GA 

Seth Turner*, Vice President,Compass Real Estate, Washington, DC

Steve Wherry*, Retired Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, The Goldfield Corp, Melbourne, FL

Ann Fite Whitaker,* VP Technology and Systems, BG Smith & Associates, Huntsville, AL

Aili Wilen (95C), Corporate Environmental Compliance Manager, IPG - Intertape Polymer Group, Sarasota, FL


*Denotes Berry alumnus or alumni