Applied Music Requirements
For state certification in music, field experiences at elementary (P-2 and 3-5), middle grades and high school levels are required. Students should do field experience for EDU 205, EDU 334, Secondary Instrumental or Choral Methods and Curriculum, Elementary Methods and Curriculum and Instrumental or Choral Literature.
For all music majors, two hours of credit per semester represent a one-hour-length lesson per week. Individual practice time is required for lessons. A senior recital is required at the 400 level. For majors in music education and music with elective studies in business, a half-hour-length recital is required.
For the Bachelor of Arts with a major in music, a 50-minute recital is required. Major credit is established through individual examinations, called juries, held at the close of each semester by a committee of the music faculty and is based on performance standards and satisfactory progress.
In all applied music subjects, a fee for individual lessons is charged in addition to regular tuition. This fee is $135 for a half-hour lesson per week (minor credit) and $263 for a one-hour lesson per week.
Students taking applied lessons are required to attend concerts each semester. Students taking lessons for 2 hours credit must attend 10 recitals each semester and those taking lessons for 1hour of credit must attend 5 recitals each semester.
College Music Organizations
All music majors are required to participate in either the college Concert Choir (MUS 111 ), the Wind Ensemble (MUS 130 ) or Orchestra (MUS 131 ) each semester of enrollment with the exception of Music Education majors who do not need to participate in an ensemble during the semester of their student teaching; music minors must participate for four semesters. Students may repeat these courses for credit or may elect to participate through the zero-credit option to avoid overload charges.
Participation in the Berry Singers (MUS 121 ) is by audition. Students are encouraged to participate in Jazz Ensemble (MUS 141 ) and Chamber Music (MUS 132 ). Students receiving financial aid through music will be required to perform with these ensembles.